thoughts/ideas/opinions from scott hodge

Tuesday, October 14


Today was the "enjoy fall day" for the Hodge family. The trees were beautiful, the weather was incredible (low 70's) and best of all, it was my day off. So we headed over to Kuiper's Farm in Maple Park to even further our fall "experience".

Besides the fact that this place is overpriced ($5.50 per person to basically walk around...), it was a nice time. Of course, we couldn't make it an official "Scott Hodge" event without stopping at the food barn where we picked up an apple cider slushie (MOVE OVER 7-11!) and a pulled pork sandwich - which reminded me of the pork they use at Chipotle Grill - (very, very good...). On our way out we stopped by the Kuipers store and picked up some apple cider donuts, some fresh honey, apple cider and caramel apples.

So, 60 minutes later, $50 poorer, lots of bugs in our hair, and with some good pictures in hand, we called it a day. By the way - the pic above is Elise posing with "Angry Hay Man" as I've come to call him. He's the demon possessed bail of hay. Watch out!
