thoughts/ideas/opinions from scott hodge

Wednesday, September 15

Penza Bar

I must have finally spent enough money at Starbucks. In one week's time, I received a sample package of coffee and a coupon for a free Penza "nutrition" bar in the mail. So today I redeemed my free Penza coupon and picked up a Caramel Dolce bar. It's good, but I'm having a hard time believing that this is "nutritional". It tastes too good. In fact, it tastes a lot like a Watchamacalit candybar.

6g of protein, 31g of carbohydrates, a bunch of vitamins, soy lechtin, butter, sugar, cream, salt, rice flour, blah, blah, blah...

Gotta go now. I'm going to order a "nutritional" Caramel Frappuccino...
