thoughts/ideas/opinions from scott hodge

Friday, October 29

What Was I Thinking?

A few weeks ago we moved and now the closest coffeehouse near my home is Caribou Coffee. I know…call me trader. I pray that the Starbuck god not strike me with bitter coffee upon my next visit.

I’m not sure what I was thinking today when I decided to stray from my home office to write my “talk” for this weekend. I’m back in the saddle this weekend – the first time since my dad died two and a half weeks ago.

I’m using my time on Sunday to invite our church community into the journey that I have personally been on these past few weeks. It’s tough. I’m putting myself in a pretty vulnerable place by doing this, but for some reason it feels right. But it sucks. It’s so hard. It’s emotionally tolling and it stirs emotions that I never knew existed within me.

So Caribou Coffee isn’t the best place to write from these depths. Good place to write about faith or love or marriage or parenting - not necessarily a great place to reach down on the inside of one’s heart and write things that have literally shaped the lenses of life in which we live.

So I’m home now. No one is here. It’s quiet. Good place to be.

At the same time, I just found out that my wife’s grandfather is in the hospital with pneumonia – fighting some pretty serious complications.

What a month… Come November, come….
