thoughts/ideas/opinions from scott hodge

Saturday, February 14


Tonight, I began reading Boundaries Face to Face: How to Have That Difficult Conversation You've Been Avoiding by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend in preparation for an upcoming message I'm doing on handling conflict.

In chapter 5, they give some great tips on confrontation and three specific things to keep in mind when discussing "issues". Here they are:

    1. Clarify the nature of the problem.
    • Be clear and focused as to what the problem is really about.
    • Make the issue as understandable as possible to the other person.

    2. Clarify the effects of the problem.

    • Include not only the facts and realities about the problem, but also what it does to you and the relationship. (How does this make me feel?)

    3. Clarify your desire for change.

    • Avoid the mistake of stopping with the negative aspects of the problem.
    • Let them know what you would like to see that would change the situation and solve the problem.


Friday, February 13


Apparently, it's up for grabs. Yep - the number (212)867-5309.

The owner of this Manhattan, NY phone number is auctioning it off on eBay. The bid is currently at over $4,500.00 $6,000.00. $20,400.00 $40,000.00 $200,100.00 OUCH.

Someone is getting ready to make a big buck, thanks to Tommy Tutone.



Bloggin' via the free WiFi @ Camille's Cafe in Geneva, IL. Cool place - similiar to Panera Bread but a little more "eclectic" - still has a little too "commercial-y" feel to it. But hey - it's Geneva - it's the suburbs - what do you want??

Food is pretty good - eating a Turkey Habenero Panini. It's not the best Panini I've ever had (by ANY means...) but it's not bad.

They have a nice leather chair seating area w/ a nice array of magazines & newspapers.

Good to know it's here, I'll probably be back.



These are all the states I have visited. Still have a few to go...

create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide


Monday, February 9


In any given week, I receive via email, fax, snail mail, blogs, various websites, magazines, etc... all kinds of business, leadership, relationship and financial related articles. Usually after sifting through what looks good and what doesn't (and the 'doesn't' category is usually about 90% of what I receive and ends up in the garbage or shredder) I sit down at night and read, read and read.

Well tonight, I ran across an article that had an interesting title: "How to manage smart people". And well, since I happen to manage and lead a group of VERY smart people, I thought I should read it. So I did. And did, and did, and did, and did. Holy smokes - what a great article!

It's from a website called UIWEB.COM which describes itself as a website containing "Essays on web design interaction usability experience architecture etc." I'm not even sure how I found the site, but the article that I read tonight was excellent, so I wanted to link it here and also share a few tidbits from the article that really stuck out to me. So, here are a few of them...

First of all, the article is written by a guy named Scott Berkun and he is talking about managing people and how to do a great job at it. The article is very practical and beneficial to anyone leading a company, staff or even volunteers.

A few thoughts...

(Speaking of a manager he once worked for...):

    "Arguments always centered on some problem that needed to be solved, and what the best approach would be to solve it. If there was a disagreement, he'd restate the goals and expectations, make sure everyone was still on the same page, and then lead a discussion of possible alternatives.

    He didn't care if he was right or wrong, only that the best ideas survived...

    His authority, though obvious since he was my boss, was rarely something he had to exercise or use as a tool to get things done."
(Speaking of good managers in general...):

    "They (managers) have more to do with enabling the happiness and productivity of the people that work for them than anyone else in the organization.

    (They)...have an emotional responsibility to their reports, or to the people who are dependent upon them.

    A manager sets the tone for dialog(sic), enables or prevents a fun work environment, and interprets (or ignores) the corporate rules and structure, into a daily practice of shared work."
(Again, speaking of a great manager he worked for...):

    "...he hired people very carefully, trying to find people that would work within his management philosophy. He chose people that were self motivated and confident enough that he didn't have to expend much energy figuring out how to get them to work hard. Then he created an environment where good ideas rose to the top, further encouraging smart people to want to contribute.

    Even if you don't have a team of rock stars, it's your job as manager to either work with the people you have to make them better, define their roles to match their strengths, or to manage them out of your group/team/company.

    In the end, good managers know how to use as little hierarchy and authority as needed for the group to be effective, regardless of the domain."
Ok - I'm stopping there. Just read the freakin' article. It's so good. Read it, highlight it, eat it, digest it, regurgitate it, eat it again.

Again, the link.
