Emerging church missionary and fellow blogger, Andrew Jones, shares an insightful and honest post at his blog.
I'm not sure when the last time was that I've read something as honest and transparent in regards to faith and trusting God. So fresh...
Andrew - thanks for your transparency and honesty. I really think that God honors that more than we know.
Saturday, April 17
Jamiel Terry, son of Evangelical Christian anti-gay and anti-abortion leader, Randall Terry recently came "out of the closet" in a written editorial in Out Magazine.
Randall responded via an op-ed saying that, "He is no longer welcome in my home."
Interesting exchange of feelings and convictions...
Friday, April 16
Congratulations to my fellow Chicagoian, Bill Rancic, who was chosen by Donald Trump as "THE" Apprentice last night. A few weeks ago it became obvious to me that his chances were high to take the show.
Kwame Jackson is a good guy (and smart), but just not aggresive and gutsy enough to fit into the Trump empire.
I'm still convinced that Omarosa was a set up on the show. I have a hard time believing that someone could so consistently lie KNOWING that the world was watching. There's just something not right about that. If she's not a set up, then she better start filling out her unemployment paperwork. Actually, she could probably be a pretty good politician.
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why Kwame didn't aggresively confront Omarosa when she began dropping the ball and shifting blame. A leader can't be afraid to make some tough calls and confront. I'm almost certain that this must have contributed to his downfall.
Well it was a great show and I'm looking forward to another season... And I have this strange feeling that we haven't seen the last of Omarosa. (God forbid...)
PS - Chicago vs. LA - Did Bill make the right choice?
Thursday, April 15
The newest and latest in a lame attempt of some "Christian" to convince people that they are going to hell. (Click here to see the site.)
If anyone knows how to hack a website, let me know.
Wednesday, April 14
Ted and I just got back from Jewel (grocery store) to stock up on some Red Bull. As we were walking back to Ted's truck we noticed something a little odd. Sitting on the hood of a car, was a guy playing an electric synthesizer/keyboard. He had Harry Carry style glasses on and lots of bling bling.
I'm not sure if that's something new that Jewel is offering it's customers, but it was nice - in fact, very innovative.
This morning I began reading Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life by Henri J.M. Nouwen. The book is comprised of three short essays. I want to share some thoughts from the first essay. "When we start being too impressed by the results of our work, we slowly come to the erroneous conviction that life is one large scoreboard where someone is listing the points to measure our worth. And before we are fully aware of it, we have sold our soul to the many grade-givers."
The last quote by Nouwen blows me away. This speaks of the importance of motives. Am I aggresively pushing and pursuing because of the passion that burns inside of me or am I doing what I'm doing to try and please someone else or "look good" to others? If it is the latter, than I am a prisoner. I am bound by the chains of human judgements and have sadly and effectively become "of" the world - not just "in" it.
"When we have sold our identity to the judges of this world, we are bound to become restless, because of a growing need for affirmation and praise. Indeed, we are tempted to become low-hearted because of constant self-rejection. And we are in serious danger of becoming isolated, since friendship and love are impossible without a mutual vulnerability."
"...when our actions have become more an expression of fear than of inner freedom, we easily become the prisoners of our self-created illusions."
The mother of a very close friend of mine died in her sleep the other night. She was in her 50's and it was very, very sudden. In about 4 1/2 hours, I will wake up and take him to the airport to catch an early flight out of state to be with his family and to bury his mom.
I am so sad for him right now. I can't even begin to imagine what he is going through and I would give almost anything to be able to snap my fingers and make things better.
But I can't.
He doesn't need me to be a pastor. He doesn't need for me to be a "fellow Christian brother". All he really needs right now is someone who can be somewhat confused with him while he sorts his thoughts and realizes his loss. I guess he just needs me to be his friend.
Pray for my friend Kevin. And pray for me - that I can be a true friend to him right now.
Tuesday, April 13
Ok, this is weird. When I was in NYC a few months ago, my friend and I were walking through Battery Park (lower Manhattan, near WTC site) and low and behold out of the middle of nowhere was a wild turkey. It was weird and definiately not something you expect to see in New York City. A cab? Yes. A hot dog stand? yes. A wild turkey? No.
So anyway - I snapped a picture of the turkey on my camera (that's it above...) and then tonight, I see this article.
Isn't that crazy???
Monday, April 12
I was going to blog right now, but I can't concentrate with "Jo-Jo's Circus" on in the background. I'll have to try again later...