Good morning, late night or whatever you want to call it. Just got home from watching "Matchstick Men" starring Nicolas Cage. I made the automatic assumption that this would be a great movie because usually any movie starring Nicolas Cage is great. I guess I give the movie a thumbs down. However, Cage did a great job - especially with the ticks and gestures. (You'll have to see the movie to figure out what I'm talking about.)
On a more "Godly" note... We had a great evening of worship at The Orchard tonight. Our worship team did a dynamic job. Good turnout, great environment, good flow, etc... I'll give this evening a thumbs up. If you're in the area and didn't attend, you missed out! Next time...
Well to bed I go. Goodnight.
Saturday, September 20
Thursday, September 18
In the "Word of Faith" circles, this has been a crazy week. The "father" of the Word of Faith "movement", Kenneth E. Hagin is hospitalized in Tulsa after collapsing at his home on Sunday. According the the Rhema website, he is in "critical, but stable" condition.
Yesterday, I received an email telling me that he had died. Today, I received an email telling me he is alive.
I'm confused.
It's my understanding that as of right now, 1:03pm CST, Brother Hagin is alive and on life support. He has been this way now since Sunday.
Attention everyone in Tulsa: Let's not make this a "circus". Don't worry, his legacy will live on.
So there's my .02 cents worth.
Thanks Bro Hagin for everything.
(If you don't know who Hagin is or Word of Faith, this post won't make much sense to you - in which case, just ignore it.)
Ok, here's the deal. I have hardly any time in my schedule to watch TV. Some would say this is good, I think it kind of stinks because I like to watch TV. Don't get me wrong, some people have a real problem with TV addiction. I don't. And it might be because I really don't have time to watch it.
ANYWAY... That is about to change as a new season of FRIENDS begins a couple of Thursdays from now. I'm also really into ER. 2 great shows that give me my necessary TV dosage every week in the fall/spring.
I was thinking about some of the shows I grew up watching. Shows like: The Love Boat, Three's Company, Fantasy Island, Dallas, The Courtship of Eddie's Father, Happy Days, The Facts of Life, Little House on the Prairie and a bunch of others.
Of course, I was one of those MTV addicts who would find my way over to my neighbors house (who had cable tv) and become entranced (is that a word?) in front of the TV watching music videos and the Spring Break parties. Ahhh... What memories! :)
Not much has changed I guess. When I get a chance, MTV is one of the first channels I turn to (after Food Network). I had somewhat of an addiction last year to the Osbournes (Go ahead - blast away...) and the show Cribs. Cribs is the show where they tour all of the homes of different rock stars and celebrities. The highlight is when they open the fridge door and show everyone what's inside of it.
It really doesn't take much to entertain people, does it?!
What the heck am I saying here? I don't know and I better go to bed before this turns ugly.
P.S. What are you watching? Comment away!
Tuesday, September 16
The paomnnehil pweor of the hmuan mnid.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the
frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses
and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos
not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh?
IBM & MBI & BIM & MIB or whatever...
I'm back... after a day or two with no blog postings.
I began a new book today entitled, Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? Inside IBM's Historic Turnaround by Louis V. Gerstner Jr. (former CEO of IBM).
This book has come to me highly recommended - especially since we are attempting a turnaround of our own. Of course, our turnaround is not on the same scale as IBM - our's is on a much higher one.
Here's what I mean... Bill Hybels said it best recently:
"If a company or business fails, they lose money. If we (the church) fail, we lose people."
I've said this statement a few times publically and each time I've said it I've thought to myself, "Oh great, now the business people in this room are going to think that I don't think that their businesses are important and that I have this narrow mindset about the world and business, etc..."
I guess I just really believe in the church and the potential it has to change our world. And of course I believe that business is important. It's also a great opporunity for people to influence others for Christ. But as the "church" (made up of a bunch of imperfect, grace-dependant Christ followers) we have an opportunity to truly impact our society with a message that crosses cultural differences, time frames, and anything else that might seemingly get in the way.
It's certainly not my paycheck or the "prestige" of ministry (LOL...) that gets me up and out of bed each morning. It's the simple belief that the church truly is, (again from the mouth of Bill Hybels) the "hope of the world".